
Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog

Friday, March 19, 2010

Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog

Model Behavior & The Hot Links!

Posted: 18 Mar 2010 11:00 PM PDT

Model Behavior & The Hot Links!

Model Behavior - City Rag

David Arquette Is Busy Fighting Hunger - Pop Eater

American Idol's Judges Are Just Like The Golden Girls! - Betty Confidential

Pixie Lott Mistaken For Cowboy, Scratches Crotch - Holy Moly

Justin Timberlake Has Real Problems - F-Listed

Reggie Bush Was Flirting With Other Women - Hollywood Life

Heidi Montag’s Cellulite View - Why Fame

Britney Spears & Jason Trawick Shop Together - Amy Grindhouse

Kim Kardashian’s New Sidekick? - The Dirty

Holly Madison Wins St. Patrick’s Day - The Superficial

Hugh Jackman Kisses It Better - Celebrity Baby Scoop

Dr. Drew's 'Rx Locker' - Celebrity Smack

Terry Richardson Is Super Creepy - Celeb News Wire

Ivanka Trump’s Stalker Arrested - Wonderwall

Justin Bieber Is Such A Flirt! - Hollywire

Robert Pattinson Lost His Car In L.A. - Anything Hollywood

Whitney Houston Talks About “Nothing But Love” - Popbytes

Kendra Wilkinson Bashes Kate Gosselin - ICYDK

Tina Fey Is The Sexiest Thing Since Sex - Litely Salted

College Students Say: We Want Gay Marriage - College Candy

Gisele Bundchen Has Mom Boobs - Drunken Stepfather

Happy St. Jedward Day! - Tabloid Prodigy

Why Men Cheat: Esquire Edition - Zelda Lily

Kristen Stewart Declares Goth Sexy & New - Ninja Dude

Jack White & Jay-Z Record Song Together - Hollywood Dame

Heidi Klum Poses Topless For Allure - Gone Hollywood

Robert Pattinson Gets Trashed at Remember Me Premiere - Photos

Posted: 18 Mar 2010 11:10 AM PDT

What good is being uber-famous for being a sparkly vampire if you can’t get a little sloshed at your own movie premiere, right Rob?

Robert Pattinson Gets Trashed at Remember Me Premiere - Photos

Robert Pattinson was seen heading into the afterparty for his new flick “Remember Me” and he looked a bit toasted. Rob has previously said that he makes faces for the flashing cameras, but it didn’t look like he was doing it on purpose this time.

Rob was spotted leaving the Ivy and thankfully hopping into a chauffeur driven car. No DUIs for our sparklepants.

In other Rob related news, the actor reportedly has his sights set on doing James Bond. Of that, he revealed, “Maybe in a few years… (But) I’m not very good at running.”

What do you think of Rob as 007?

[Click thumbnails for a larger view]

Robert Pattinson Gets Trashed at Remember Me Premiere - Photos Robert Pattinson Gets Trashed at Remember Me Premiere - Photos Robert Pattinson Gets Trashed at Remember Me Premiere - Photos

source: Robert Pattinson: Ivy Club Partier - [gossip center]

Lady Gaga Asks Boy George To Autograph Her Vagina - Video

Posted: 18 Mar 2010 10:50 AM PDT

Lady Gaga got to meet someone she was a fan of, Boy George, and the first thing she does is ask for an autograph…on her vagina.

Lady Gaga Asks Boy George To Autograph Her Vagina - Video

George was at one of her concerts backstage and she made the request of the 80’s icon. He politely declined to sign her vagina, but instead signed her hat instead…because he’s a true gentleman!

He said, “It was very brief when I met her, there were a lot of people in the room, it was all a bit chaotic. I haven’t been around that kind of circus in years! I was like, ‘Oh my God!’ You know, I’ve been that woman!’ So it was very interesting to be on the outside looking in. She was very sweet. She asked me to sign her vagina.”

I guess you know you’ve made it big when Gaga asks for you to sign her vagina. But what does one use to autograph said vagina? A Sharpie? That can’t be hygienic.

source: Boy George: ‘GaGa asked me to sign vagina’ - [digitalspy]

Fashion Face Off – Hilary Duff VS Khloe Kardashian VS Ciara

Posted: 18 Mar 2010 09:55 AM PDT

I never thought I see the day when the words skinny jeans and cargo pants would be used in the same sentence to describe one pant. Alas, they have been surfacing more and more as the skinny jean trend continues to endure.


Hilary Duff, Khloe Kardashian and Ciara all wore the J Brand’s “Houlihan” cargo pant while enjoying some down time. So, who wore it best?

American Idol: Ke$ha and the Cut

Posted: 18 Mar 2010 09:17 AM PDT

I'm sorry kids, I just can't get behind Ke$ha. I am an old fart and she just tries too hard to be some Lady Gaga going through puberty. I know, I look forward to your scathing comments.


Regardless, her first single sold over 6 million units and I am sure "Tik Tok" is on my iPod somewhere. She preformed her new single, “Blah Blah Blah,” on American Idol last night and I at least have to mention she didn't lip synch her way through so I suppose that puts her above the likes of Heidi Montag.

Paige Miles was in the bottom three along with Tim Urban (finally) and Lacey Brown. Much to my non-surprise…Tim was safe and left Paige and Lacey to duke it out. Good looks can get you everywhere. Lacey Brown was thrown to the mercy of the judges. With a yawn, the judges said hasta-la-bye-bye and sent her packing after her "Ruby Tuesday" performance despite having a Regina Spektor feel to her vocals.

Jennifer Aniston ‘Bounty Hunter’ Preimere

Posted: 18 Mar 2010 05:17 AM PDT

Ah, yes. When you are fighting off romance rumors with Hollywood’s notorious woman-eater, go braless on the red carpet premeire. I know, I am just insanely jealous as Jen is pushing 40 and can still rock out sans support whereas I would be in dire need of duct tape to pull the look off.


Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler hit the opening of their new rom-com, “Bounty Hunter.” Since The Butler is a big ol’ town bicycle, Jen has been brushing off rumors the two are in love and having lots of sex and babies. Instead she looked goddess-esque in a nude beige ensemble.

For more Jen’s look including her hair secrets, check out The Beauty Stop!

[Click Thumbnails for a Larger Image]



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