
Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog

Shakira Gets Dreadlocks

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 12:41 AM PST

Shakira attended a Rolling Stone party in NYC last night wearing her hair in dreadlocks.

Shakira Gets Dreadlocks

This proves one thing, dreadlocks are really not for everyone.

source: No, Shakira, No [dlisted]

George Carlin’s ‘Last Words’ - You Know They’re Gonna Be Good!

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 12:21 AM PST

For more than ten years prior to his death in June 2008, George Carlin had been working on his autobiography with Tony Hendra, one of the original editors of National Lampoon magazine and author of the bestselling memoir Father Joe.

George Carlin's 'Last Words'

When Carlin died, Hendra approached Carlin's family about releasing the book. Based on hours of taped interviews, drafts, and polished chapters from their sessions, LAST WORDS is George Carlin's life story as it has never been told before.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Kelly Carlin on Twitter last night. After sharing a mutual admiration for her father, Kelly said:

I would love his take on the world today. And I suppose I will be wishing we had that take for the next few decades

I couldn’t agree with her more!

You can snag your copy of George Carlin’s “Last Words” on his official website or on Amazon.

Miley Cyrus Talks About Cat Murdered Over Twitter

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 11:01 PM PST

As you know, Miley Cyrus quit Twitter.

We also told you about the crazed fan who was going to murder her cat if Miley didn’t return to Twitter.

Well, Miley chatted with Zach Sang with Sweeet Radio tonight about Fuzzy the cat and… she could care less.

Canned Cheeseburgers & The Hot Links!

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 10:00 PM PST

Canned Cheeseburgers & The Hot Links!

Cheeseburger In A Can - Yes It Exists! - Tabloid Prodigy

Dakota Fanning Is A Good Girl Gone Vamp - Pop Eater

OMG! The Truth About Playgirl! - OMG! Blog

Demi Moore’s Naked Animal Instincts - City Rag

Nicole Richie, Kinda Washed Out? - Celebrity Smack

Justin Timberlake Likes Threesomes & More - Celeb News Wire

Jon Gosselin Is Suing TLC, Who Knew? - Fatback Media

Shauna Sand Flashes Some Nip In Front Of Her Kid - The Superficial

Kristin Cavallari Leaves The Salon Looking Blah - ICYDK

Amy Winehouse Wants Butt Implants - Anything Hollywood

Don’t Ask The Jonas Brothers About Their Sex Lives - Litely Salted

Halle Berry Looks Like A Gay Black Dude - Drunken Stepfather

Do It Yourself Tuesdays: The Bottle Cap Table - College Candy

Steven Tyler Is Glamorous! - Holy Moly

Fergie Admits Talking About Cheating - Wonderwall

One Liners From Roger Sterling - F-Listed

Happy 40th Birthday To Sesame Street - Popbytes

Shanna Moakler Apologizes For Donkey Talk - Hollywire

Joel Madden Angry Over Pantyless Britney Spears Photo - Hollywood Dame

Jessica Alba Gets Spanked - Gone Hollywood

‘Dancing With The Stars’ Week Eight Results Show

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 06:54 PM PST

It’s that time of the week again, where we get to see who’s on the chopping block for “Dancing With The Stars”.

It was just announced that the first couple are safe to go on are Joanna Krupa and Derek Hough. I guess their futuristic Paso Doble really nailed it for them.

'Dancing With The Stars' Week Eight Recap

Michael Buble took the stage to perform and it wasn’t his greatest performance, but at least he’s still hot.

Mya and Dmitry Chaplin were just announced as safe…and that sound you hear? It’s thousands of people across the country saying, “Duh!”

Season five dancer Sabrina Bryan and Mark Ballas performed a Paso Doble to “Eye Of The Tiger” and looked equally stupid. I need eye bleach after that. After that, Michael Buble took the stage again to perform “Feeling Good” and he sounded a lot better than before, but that’s not really saying much. This song isn’t really suited to him, but at least he looks hot in a suit.

Also going to the semi-finals are Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson, leaving Kelly Osbourne and Aaron Carter in jeopardy.

Making her U.S. television debut, Susan Boyle delighted the crowd and my ears with her version of “I Dreamed A Dream”. What a songbird! Her dress is adorable, too. On a side note, this dance really needs some shirtless Maks.

Not going to make it through to the semi-finals are Aaron Carter and Karina Smirnoff, leaving Kelly Osbourne and Louis Van Amstel jumping for joy. OH NOES! DON’T CRY, AARON!! (Sorry, I had a Kanye moment.)

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Spotted Holding Hands - Photo

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 06:47 PM PST

Unless you want photographic proof that these two are doing the horizontal mambo, I’m going to say that this photo is evidence enough that Sparkly Boy is giving it to Joan Jett’s younger looking twin.

You’ll have to visit Popsugar to see the photos!

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Holding Hands

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were spotted holding hands as they walked towards a flight they were hopping from Paris to London. A body language expert would say that they are bumping sparklies, for sure.

Does this mean that they are 100% a couple? Perhaps not, but it surely means that there’s something going on there that’s in the realm of “more than friends”. And don’t sit there and tell us that you do this to your guy friends, unless they’re gay…because I totally do that.


More hand holding goodness here.

source: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Holding Hands-Photo - [hollywood dame]

Lady Gaga’s ‘Bad Romance’ Video Premiered Today

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 04:33 PM PST

Lady Gaga’s highly anticipated video for “Bad Romance” made its debut today. The video features Gaga wearing very little, gyrating around, and proving that she can be the next Madonna.

Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance' Video Premiered Today

She evolves just like the chameleon that we know she is and the song is so catchy.

Pay close attention to the product placements in the video. She’s seen showing off her Heartbeats earphones along with Ukranian Vodka, Nemiroff. I wonder how much they paid for the brief shot of their logo on that bottle?

Check out the video here.

Lindsay Lohan Is ‘Famous’ & Photoshopped? - Photo

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 03:36 PM PST

“Famous” magazine has made a mockery of what Lindsay Lohan has become by plastering her face side-by-side with a younger version of herself on their front cover.

Lindsay Lohan Is 'Famous' & Photoshopped? - Photo

And if you thought Michael Lohan was saying, “Right? See what she’s done to herself?!??” He’s not. He’s actually fuming about it, saying this on his Twitter page, “This is PHOTOSHOPPED! This is Not my beautiful baby girl.”

It doesn’t look like that much of a stretch from photos that I’ve seen, but they may have given her a little more trout pout than she previously had.

She definitely doesn’t look the same as she did when she did “Freaky Friday”. I’m still hoping that she shapes up and gets her crap together soon.

source: [michael lohan's twitter]

‘Sh*t My Dad Says’ Is Coming To TV

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 02:49 PM PST

Justin Halpern has gotten over 700,000 followers with his catchy Twitter account, “Sh*t My Dad Says” and now he’s getting a TV show based on it.

'Sh*t My Dad Says' Is Coming To TV

His little quips are comedic genius and it makes you think back to that old relative from a different generation that says similar things.

According to THR:

“Will & Grace” creators David Kohan and Max Mutchnick are on board to executive produce and supervise the writing for the multicamera family comedy, which Halpern will co-pen with Patrick Schumacker. Halpern and Schumacker will also co-exec produce the Warner Bros. TV-produced project, which has received a script commitment.

Of course they are going to have to change the name, unless they sell the rights to HBO, which would be best for this type of show.

Here are some examples of this comic genius:

“You look just like Stephen Hawking…Relax, I meant like a non-paralyzed version of him. Feel better?… Fine. Forget I said it.”

“I hate paying bills… Son, don’t say “me too.” I didn’t say that looking to relate to you. I said it instead of “go away.”

“You worry too much. Eat some bacon… What? No, I got no idea if it’ll make you feel better, I just made too much bacon.”

“That woman was sexy…Out of your league? Son. Let women figure out why they won’t screw you, don’t do it for them.”

Can you imagine if they changed it to “Stuff My Dad Says”? I just don’t think it would pack the same punch. Do you?

source: Twitter fave Sh*t My Dad Says heads to TV - [hollywood reporter]

Robert Pattinson Admits Being A Manic Depressive

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 01:45 PM PST

In a new interview with “New!”, they had the opportunity to speak with Robert Pattinson. He talked about girls, his good lucks, and his unromantic side.

This interview was released in snippets prior to its full publication and it made it look like Rob was dropping quotes like Megan Fox, to promote his new movie.

Robert Pattinson Admits Being A Manic Depressive

Here are some excerpts from the interview:

In New Moon, you compete for a woman's affections. Has that ever happened to you in real life?
Yeah, it has, but any girl I've ever really wanted to go out with in the past, I've always lost to someone else! I know that sounds like the ones I did go out with were the ones I didn't want to go out with, but that's not the case. A lot of my ambitions are tied up with wanting pretty girls to like me [laughs].

Have you ever had a fight over a girl?
No, I'm terrified about getting into fights because it's like, "Hey, I'm an actor – don't touch the face!"

Robert Pattinson Admits Being A Manic Depressive

Are you romantic?
I used to be very romantic, but acting ruined my seduction techniques because you start to think everything is a "method". You over-analyse everything – you analyse how if you say one thing, someone likes you and if you say another, they don't. You just start to experiment on people, which isn't good for real life! I don't think I'm very romantic any more. I'm just a bit manic depressive!

Read the rest of the interview, after the jump!

You seem different from Edward – very gentle. Do women get scared of you?
I'd hope so, yeah. If you can't scare a girl then you're not much of a guy [laughs]!

What sort of girl do you like?
I like people who are strong and have a lot of darkness to them.

Is it true you had female fans camping out in front of your home?
Yeah, they were, for a while. I used to get people leaving notes on my car every day. The first note would say something like, "Hey, I'm not weird or anything – just call me." And the next day, it would be like, "Please don't ignore me, please don't ignore me." The next day it'd be like, "If you ignore me, I'll kill myself. But I'm not weird!"

How does it feel being the fantasy of millions of girls?
It's just funny, because if the fans were to talk to me for five minutes – if one of them came up and sat with me for five minutes – the illusion would be gone!

So you think your fans would be disappointed if they met you?
Yeah, they probably would! There's just no way to be what so many people want because everybody has their own view of me.

So if a woman comes up to you, do you know if she is really interested in you or just your fame?
If she's attractive, it doesn't really matter [laughs]! I kind of prefer that [women coming up to me] and if they're a fan, it's perfect.

Do you see yourself as a heart-throb?
No, I've never thought like that. I've never got the "good-looking guy" roles before, so that's saying something!

Is it true that you rarely change your clothes?
Yeah, kind of. Like these jeans are a few days old, but the top is probably fresh because it gets to the point where even I can't stand the air around me. I don't know, my personal hygiene – it's so disgusting! Really it's just that I have very few clothes that I like and I'm travelling all the time, so I can't really get any more.

And what about your hair?
Yeah, there's a fascination with my hair, too. It's funny, because that's all down to how I used to hate my dad wanting to brush my hair when I was a kid. I hated it! So it's funny this whole thing with my hair is just from not brushing it!

How has life changed for you since Twilight came out?
It's quite tough at the moment. It was OK for a while, but then something happened and it changed and suddenly people started hanging outside my house. It's strange because I haven't been somewhere where people don't know where I am for a while now. It's quite hard to get out of hotels without being followed – you have to think cleverly about things. That's a strange thing to deal with. And it's funny because, no matter what you do – no matter how uninteresting it is – it still ends up on the cover of magazines. It's just weird. It just seems like the more boring you are, the more people think you're doing all sorts of sordid things!

Was it fun reprising your role as Edward in New Moon?
Yeah, it was. I was surprised by how relaxed and easy it was to get back into it. I think it's because I always connected more to the second book than the first one.

What is next for you?
I'm doing a couple of films. I'm not doing any massive movies. They're just things that say something to me.

He definitely has some weird fans, the poor guy. But I guess he signed up for it.

source: Robert Pattinson: ‘I’m a bit manic-depressive’ - [new!]

Lindsay Lohan Dated Heath Ledger Before His Death

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 11:59 AM PST

In a huge shocker this morning, “RadarOnline” released some more recordings of Dina Lohan talking about Lindsay. She mentions that she and Heath Ledger “were very, very close” and that she didn’t want to see Lindsay going down the same path.

Lindsay Lohan Dated Heath Ledger Before His Death

Earlier today, Michael confirmed the news on his Twitter page. He said, “Yes, my daughter was dating Heath Ledger at the time of his death” and “it all went downhill from there…”

On the recorded conversation, Dina said, “And she was dating Heath when he died. I don't know if you know that, but I know cause I would drop her off and they were friends very, very close, okay?"

She didn’t want her famous daughter to suffer the same fate, adding, “Because when she’s drunk or takes an Adderall with it, she will do something like Heath Ledger did in a second without thinking.”

Let’s hope not. That was a sad and very tragic day.

source: Lindsay Lohan Had Secret Relationship With Heath Ledger When He Died - [radar online]

People’s Choice Awards Nominees 2010

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 10:51 AM PST

It is getting to be that time of year again. Award shows will recycle and Ryan Seacrest (the most famousest of hobbits) is restocking his supply of root lifter in preparation for red carpet coverage.


Vampires dominated the ballots as “Twilight” and “True Blood” reigned supreme. The cast of Twilight were also named in different categories highlighting Taylor Lautner as a contender for Break Out Star of the Year. You can vote on all the categories at the People Choice Awards site.

twilight photocall 101109

TV drama: "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," "Grey's Anatomy," "House," "Lost," "NCIS."

TV comedy: "Desperate Housewives," "How I Met Your Mother," "The Big Bang Theory," "The Office," "Two and a Half Men."

TV drama Actor: Hugh Laurie, Kiefer Sutherland, Mark Harmon, Matthew Fox, Patrick Dempsey.

TV drama Actress: Anna Paquin, Blake Lively, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Katherine Heigl, Mariska Hargitay.

TV comedy Actor: Alex Baldwin, Charlie Sheen, Jim Parsons, Neil Patrick Harris, Steve Carell.

TV comedy Actress: Alyson Hannigan, America Ferrera, Amy Poehler, Eva Longoria Parker, Tina Fey.

TV obsession: "Dexter," "Gossip Girl," "The Hills," "The Secret Life of the American Teenager," "True Blood."

TV talk show: "Chelsea Lately," "Live with Regis & Kelly," "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," "The Oprah Winfrey Show," "The Tyra Banks Show."

TV sci-fi/fantasy: "Heroes," "Lost," "Supernatural," "The Vampire Diaries," "True Blood."

TV competition show: "American Idol," "Dancing With the Stars," "Project Runway," "So You Think You Can Dance," "Survivor: Samoa."

Animal show: "Animal Cops," "DogTown," "Dog Whisperer," "It's Me or the Dog," "Rescue Ink."

New TV drama: "Eastwick," "FlashForward," "Melrose Place," "Mercy," "The Forgotten," "The Good Wife," "The Vampire Diaries," "Three Rivers," "NCIS: Los Angeles," "V."

New TV comedy: "Accidentally on Purpose," "Brothers," "Community," "Cougar Town," "Glee," "Hank," "The Cleveland Show," "The Middle," "Modern Family."

Movie actor: Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Depp, Robert Pattinson, Ryan Reynolds.

Movie actress: Anna Hathaway, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston, Kristen Stewart, Sandra Bullock.

Action star: Christian Bale, Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman, Shia LaBeouf, Vin Diesel.

Comedic star: Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Jim Carrey, Ryan Reynolds, Vince Vaughn.

Breakout movie actress: Anna Kendrick, Emily Osment, Ginnifer Goodwin, Miley Cyrus, Zoe Saldana.

Breakout movie actor: Chris Pine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Sam Worthington, Taylor Lautner, Zachary Quinto

On-screen team: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"; Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, "The Proposal"; Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, "The Twilight Saga"; Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"; Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Ryan Reynolds,, Dominic Monaghan and Daniel Henney, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine."

Family movie: "Hannah Montana: The Movie," "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs," "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian," "Up," "Where the Wild Things Are."

Independent movie: "(500) Days of Summer," "District 9," "Inglourious Basterds," "Paranormal Activity," "Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail."

Franchise: "Harry Potter," "Star Trek," "The Twilight Saga," "Transformers," "X-Men."

The rest of the People’s Choice Award Nominees are After the Cut…

Comedy movie: "17 Again," "Bride Wars," "He's Just Not That Into You," "The Hangover," "The Proposal."

Favorite movie: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," "Star Trek," "The Hangover," "The Proposal," "Twilight."

Male artist: Eminem, Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Keith Urban, Tim McGraw.

Female artist: Beyonce, Britney Spears, Carrie Underwood, Pink, Taylor Swift.

Country artist: Brad Paisley, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift.

Breakout Music Artist: Adam Lambert, Demi Lovato, Kris Allen, Lady Gaga, Susan Boyle.

Hip-hop artist: Eminem, Flo Rida, Jay-Z, Lil' Wayne, T.I.

Rock band: Daughtry, Green Day, Kings of Leon, Muse, Paramore.

Music collaboration: Cobra Starship & Leighton Meester, "Good Girls Go Bad"; Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat, "Lucky"; Jay-Z, Rihanna & Kanye West, "Run This Town"; T.I. & Rihanna, "Live Your Life"; The Lonely Island & T-Pain, "I'm on a Boat."

R&B artist: Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, Mariah Carey, Usher.

Pop artist: Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, the Black Eyed Peas.

Web celeb: Andy Samberg, Ashton Kutcher, Miley Cyrus, P. Diddy, Will Ferrell.

Rihanna Stuns at Glamour’s Women of the Year Awards - Video

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 09:13 AM PST

I’m so glad she kept the pleather and sparkly eye patches at home. Rihanna showed up to the Glamour’s Women of the Year Awards wearing a gown that covered all her lady bits and looked demure and glamorous. It’s refreshing to see her take a break from being edgy and show her style flexibility.

Rihanna attended the awards that highlight women who have made a difference in the world and helped others. She wore the white frock with pride and accepted her award of Woman of the Year.

“I couldn’t possibly make it up here in this dress. As usual, I decided to wear the tightest dress I could find. I am shaking right now. I am so nervous. But I am overwhelmed and honored over this honor.” She added, “It was a real honor to be named Glamour’s Woman of the Year, especially because I think of myself as just becoming a woman. I just turned 21 this year.”

She also mentioned her assault with former boyfriend Chris Brown. RiRi recently aired out the details of the pre-Grammy fight that left her bruised and bloody on 20/20.

“It was like a weight lifted off my chest and now I don’t have to talk about it anymore. I can talk about my music, things that I love.”

Good for her I say.

[Click Thumbnails for a Larger Image]

rihanna-glamours-women-of-the-year-awards-3 rihanna-glamours-women-of-the-year-awards-2 rihanna-glamours-women-of-the-year-awards-1



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