Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog |
- Paris Hilton’s Wonkeye & The Hot Links!
- Rape Crisis Center Not Amused By Kristen Stewart Rape Comments
- Paris Hilton Sluts It Up To Ne-Yo’s ‘Miss Independent’ - Video
- Leona Lewis Falls Down An Elevator Shaft
- Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Broke Up
- Nick Cannon Comments on Mariah’s Preggo Status
- Avril Lavigne’s New Perfume Commercial - Video
- Lindsay Lohan - Wired Exclusive - Stalked by Paps!
- Kristen Stewart - Raped AGAIN by Paparazzi
- Heidi Montag Fakes Sadness In New Photo Shoot
- James Bond’s Aston Martin for sale!
- Amy Winehouse Has A New Man - Photos
- Spencer Pratt Pulls Gun On Friend
- Hollywood Happenings (6.2.10)
- Mariah Carey Pregnancy Rumors Reheat
Paris Hilton’s Wonkeye & The Hot Links! Posted: 02 Jun 2010 11:00 PM PDT
Jamie Lee Curtis Turns Into A Paparazzo - Amy Grindhouse Val Kilmer To Explain Old Anti-New Mexico Quotes - Pop Eater Gary Coleman’s Wife Might’ve Killed Him - The Superficial Katherine Heigl’s Killer New ‘Do - Hollywire Cameron Diaz Has Lots And Lots Of Sex - Anything Hollywood Ivanka Trump Is Curvy - Celebrity Smack Olivia Munn Was NOT Naked! - Celeb News Wire Jon Gosselin’s New Girlfriend Hates Kids - ICYDK Kevin Costner & Wife Welcome Daughter - Wonderwall Vanessa Hudgens Shows Off Some Leg - Drunken Stepfather Is Kendra Wilkinson Lying About Her Sex Tape? - Holy Moly Taylor Swift Really Wants To Meet Her Fans - Betty Confidential Dolly Parton Needs To Be On The Cover Of ‘Vogue Paris’ - OMG Blog Who’s Lady Gaga Calling The “Shady King”? - College Candy It’s Woody Allen Vs. Barack Obama - Zelda Lily Natalie Portman’s Boyfriend Is Hot - Popbytes John Mayer Gets Ill, Cancels European Tour - Why Fame Is Jennifer Garner Pregnant Again? - Hollywood Life Is Zac Efron Hiding A Serious Illness? - Hollywood Dame Christina Hendricks Stars In Music Video For “The Ghost Inside” - Gone Hollywood |
Rape Crisis Center Not Amused By Kristen Stewart Rape Comments Posted: 02 Jun 2010 10:13 PM PDT Kristen Stewart really made waves with her comparison of the paparazzi’s intrusions into her life to that of rape. So much, that a rape crisis center is hitting back at her usage of the word. Kristen said, “What you don’t see are the cameras shoved in my face and the bizarre intrusive questions being asked, or the people falling over themselves, screaming and taunting to get a reaction. The photos are so … I feel like I’m looking at someone being raped.” That set off Harriet Lessel of the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault, who said that Kristen should’ve chosen her words more wisely. She said, “Clearly that kind of violation is not the same as rape…it’s just not the same. I understand that Kristen Stewart was expressing that she feels violated. Sure violation is a form of sexual assault, but it’s the most serious and the most personal. It’s clearly a poor choice of words.” What she should have told Kristen is that if you don’t like being in the public eye, then maybe you should’ve chosen a different career path. source: Rape Center Tells Kristen Stewart: ‘Poor Choice of Words’ - [radar online] |
Paris Hilton Sluts It Up To Ne-Yo’s ‘Miss Independent’ - Video Posted: 02 Jun 2010 09:40 PM PDT Paris Hilton got down and dirty on the stage after Ne-Yo brought her up to dance during his song, “Miss Independent”. Someone should tell this broad that money really can’t buy you class. She strutted all over the stage, slinking up her little black dress, as all of the concertgoers screamed. I think they were screaming in horror after Paris pulled up her dress. They were probably frightened at what they saw. Look at Doug Reinhardt, he’s never been the same since… Check her out, at around the 20 second mark: Someone needs to tell this hooker that the dance floor is not the red carpet and twirling does not constitute dancing. If this is how the rich people do it, then she can keep it. No one wants to see your skinny, flabby butt, Paris. NO ONE. Kthnxbai. And that pulling up the dress move is getting OLD! source: Paris Hilton gets raunchy after being called up on stage to accompany R’n'B star Ne-Yo - [daily mail] |
Leona Lewis Falls Down An Elevator Shaft Posted: 02 Jun 2010 09:19 PM PDT Leona Lewis fell down an elevator shaft during a recent concert! Holy crap! This is terrible! The good news is that it wasn’t serious…thankfully! With all of these celebrities passing away, I hope she takes more care with herself. That would be a shame if it were more serious than it was. She was performing in Sheffield, northern England when the accident occurred. She narrowly escaped injury after falling down the dark hole when her elevator got stuck. She said, “We have been having problems with the lift. It had been going fine in rehearsals and then I had a bit of an accident and fell down the lift shaft. It was quite scary. I was lucky not to get injured. Fortunately, it happened during a blackout on set and didn’t affect the show and none of the audience saw anything. I got a shock and had to be rescued.” If I were her, I wouldn’t be too concerned if the audience saw anything. I would be more worried about my injuries, but luckily, she is just fine. source: Singer falls down lift shaft during concert - [nine msn] |
Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Broke Up Posted: 02 Jun 2010 08:33 PM PDT Miley Cyrus is now a single girl again, after things went south between she and former boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth. The two had a heated argument at her L.A. home last month and she kicked him to the curb shortly thereafter. Hey, Liam’s hot, so I can’t say I would kick him outta bed. Besides that, he was WAY too hot for her…think she knew that? The former couple had moved in together at her home in Toluca Lake, but he took his crap and moved out after they had a gigantic fight. “Allegedly”, she got super ticked off at him because he landed a leading role opposite Anthony Hopkins in the new movie, “Arabian Nights”. Someone was peeved that this hot piece was getting more famous as a movie star. And you know he’ll do well in Hollywood, he’s hot, has a nice body and he’s no longer dating Miley. That’s a definite bonus, in my book. A source said, “The result was a vicious fight and Liam bolted. He said he’s tired of her folks’ interference, and that Miley’s jealous that his film career has taken off.” Okay, now I know Miley is successful as a TV star and a “singer”, but I would be jealous that he’s getting movie deals, if I were her. She can’t act for crap and “The Last Song” was just proof of that. She’s making bank, though, but still, he’s hot and on the rise. Liam moved back in with his brother Chris after their fight and he should be happy that he’s finally away from that chipmunk. When asked about the split, Miley said, “We are on a break.” The inside snitch added, “Miley, her family and all her baggage are too much for him to handle.” I don’t have any of that baggage or family interference. Call me, Liam. *wink* source: Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Split? - [showbiz spy] |
Nick Cannon Comments on Mariah’s Preggo Status Posted: 02 Jun 2010 08:16 PM PDT
Allie is Wired earlier reported that the rumors were in fact true. Now, while Cannon neither confirms or denies the truth of this story, I have a better question… Who the hell is Nick Cannon, and when did people start giving a rat’s butt about Mariah Carey again? Does she even still HAVE a career? Did I miss something here? No, I do not need you all to comment below telling me who the guy is. I know he hosted that show, with the thing, the one that people are always talking about…the one that has Hasselhoff and other ‘celebrities’ on it…yadda yadda. My point is, who cares?! LOL. Sidenote: For all the stars who complain about being slammed in the press, here’s a thought; you all go on shows like “America’s got Talent” and tear average American’s trying to showcase their “talent” new holes. So shut your pie-holes and quit your moaning! If they are in fact expecting a child, then fab. I wish them all the luck in the world. That child is gonna need it. Mariah as a mother… Shudder. Not quite as scary as Courtney Love as a mom, but not too far off either. [ Here's what the daddy-to-be had to say on his twitter: ] Source: Nick Cannon Responds to Mariah Carey Pregnancy Rumors [] |
Avril Lavigne’s New Perfume Commercial - Video Posted: 02 Jun 2010 05:46 PM PDT What in the hell is Avril Lavigne doing? Has she gone retarded? SERIOUSLY! It seems that the cool thing to do for starlets in Hollywood is to create their own perfume. I wanna know who the heck buys these fragrances! I mean really, would YOU wanna smell like Paris Hilton? ‘Eau du Skank’ anyone? The latest moron to follow this trend is the ever faker Avril Lavigne. Just because I am Canadian does NOT mean I like her, or that I should. Originally she presents herself as the “Anti-Britney Spears“, but after viewing the new ad for her scent, I beg to differ. Not only is she fully following in Brit’s footsteps, but mimicking her as well. I present to you dear readers, my comparison between Avril’s ‘Forbidden Rose’ promo, and Britney Spear’s ‘Fantasy’. Feel free to sound off below. I’m “curious” if I’m the only one seeing this or not. (Pun fully intended) Avril Lavigne’s ‘Forbidden Rose’ Britney Spears’ ‘Fantasy’ Source: Forbidden Rose by Avril Lavigne COMMERCIAL! [YouTube] |
Lindsay Lohan - Wired Exclusive - Stalked by Paps! Posted: 02 Jun 2010 04:53 PM PDT As I sit here typing, Lindsay Lohan tweeted that an unlicensed car containing a paparazzo is tailing her car. She posted these two photos to her TweetPhoto Account: photo one, photo two. She tweeted: I checked out the pic and noticed what I thought was a plate to which she replied to me: Poor Linds. My publisher thinks its hilarious!
Source: Lindsay Lohan (lindsaylohan) on Twitter [Twitter] |
Kristen Stewart - Raped AGAIN by Paparazzi Posted: 02 Jun 2010 12:25 PM PDT Poor little Kristen Stewart. One of the hottest actresses in Hollywood… Making tons of money… Loved by millions… Miserable as hell? Now all you twi-hards don’t get your nickers in a bunch, I’m not a K-Stew hater. In fact, I am a huge fan of the Twilight franchise, both the books as well as the films. BUT… Give me a break already.
Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, here’s some more pics of K-Stew leaving Sydney. Enjoy! [Click on thumbnail to get a larger view] Source: Kristen Stewart Spotted leaving Sydney Australia (June 2nd) [Yuku] |
Heidi Montag Fakes Sadness In New Photo Shoot Posted: 02 Jun 2010 12:12 PM PDT Heidi Montag wants us all to think that she’s really sad, depressed and conflicted about her recent split from Spencer Pratt. So what is a famewhore to do? Do a photo shoot, of course! Oh yes, and she threw in a little butt shot for good measure. Because that’s what sad people do…they pose with their new BFF in a photo shoot for the paparazzi in the park. Throw in a pink track suit and a few puppies and we’re good to go. You know that they’re just doing this to pimp out their new reality show. Anything that Heidi does is guaranteed to be fake, that’s just how she rolls. Is she serious with her puppy dog sad face and those ridiculously staged frowns? Could this be any more fake??? The only thing real in these photos are the dogs. You’ve been warned. source: Heidi Montag Makes a Sad Spectacle of Herself Post-Spencer Split - [ok magazine] |
James Bond’s Aston Martin for sale! Posted: 02 Jun 2010 11:35 AM PDT Bond fans rejoice! Now you can own a piece of movie making history and style. The 1964 Aston Martin DB5 will be auctioned off in London on October 27th. And get this… it’s still loaded with all the gadgets! Yeah that’s right, you can buy this car, which is completely decked out with gear “Q-Styles”. It comes complete including machine guns, a revolving license plate, tracking device, oil sprayer, smoke screen, et al! All of it works! Except of course for the machine guns. But how freaking cool is that!?? I want it, and I haven’t been a Bond fan in YEARS. It will be a publicly held auction, and experts expect it to sell for as high as $5,000,000! Let’s hope that’s U.S. greenbacks, and not U.K. pounds or else it’ll be like a gazillion bucks! So if you have some extra cash burning a large hole in your pocket, firstly I want you to email me so I can be your friend, and also this is the car for you! Source: ‘Most famous car,’ Bond’s Aston Martin, for sale [Yahoo Movies] |
Amy Winehouse Has A New Man - Photos Posted: 02 Jun 2010 11:05 AM PDT Amy Winehouse has upgraded the man in her life - and he’s hot! You go girl! Amy married her sweetheart, Blake Fielder-Civil, the guy who got her hooked on drugs. Since, she cheated on him and vice versa and they’ve gotten divorced. Now, Amy’s got a new guy and it’s like she went from hamburger to steak! The singer is now dating Reg Traviss, which has got to make her dad and fans super happy. This guy is clean-shaven, well-dressed and snazzy. Whereas, Blake was just a gutter rat that leeched onto her and completely messed up her life. A source said, “He’s a decent bloke with his feet firmly on the ground. He’s cultured and talented and they talk and laugh about all sorts. And they are openly affectionate in front of friends and family now too.” Papa Mitch Winehouse couldn’t be happier, either. He said, “I’m happy she’s got a new boyfriend. I’m happy she’s moving on with her life. He’s a normal bloke, very nice.” She’s finally cleaning it up and getting her life together. I’m happy for her and she’s looking good, too. Now when can we expect a new album already? I’m getting antsy for it! source: Blaaaaake No More - [dlisted] |
Spencer Pratt Pulls Gun On Friend Posted: 02 Jun 2010 10:10 AM PDT Spencer Pratt is seriously nuts. In March, the reality star turned psycho ordered a ton of food from a nearby grocery store, but when it wasn’t delivered on time, he flipped his lid. We’ve all seen these photos showing Spencer as a gun wielding Rambo dude, but this just takes the cake. Apparently, he and wife Heidi Montag ordered some food, but when it arrived a little late, Spencer pointed a gun at the delivery guy, who is a friend of theirs. A snitch said, “Spencer and Heidi ordered one thousand dollars in just munchies from Gelsons Market and had it delivered to their house. One time they asked me to go pick up food for them and I was an hour late getting it back to their house. Spencer unleashed on me. He pulled a Glock on me at the door and called me a loser and a charity case. He started talking like a gangster and threatening me. He was out of control. That was back in March and it was the last time I spoke to him.” The source also reveals that Heidi is a brain dead robot, who couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Tell us something we don’t know, right? The spy added, “Heidi just stood by during most of Spencer’s explosive tantrums. She’s a really nice girl but definitely brainwashed. She couldn’t do anything without Spencer. They don’t talk to their families. We were surprised she was even able to get away from him.” Spencer needs to be straight-jacketed and put on some happy meds for this crap. What is wrong with this guy? You don’t pull a gun on your friends, that’s just insane. If I were this “friend”, I would’ve called the cops and then we could’ve been writing a “Spencer Pratt goes to jail” headline. Some part of me still says that Spencer is releasing these little quotes just so we think he’s bonkers. It’s all for the publicity, baby. source: EXCLUSIVE: Spencer Pulled A Gun On Me, Says Former Friend - [radar online] |
Posted: 02 Jun 2010 10:05 AM PDT Only in Hollywood can you watch movies at a cemetery! Cinespia’s Cemetary Screenings is in it’s 10th season and this weekend’s movie is the classic film Casablanca. Grab your friends and enjoy a seriously unique experience! When: June 5, 2010 7:30pm Comedian Aziz Ansari will host the MTV MOVIE AWARDS this Sunday, live from Hollywood. All of your favorite stars are set to appear including performances by Christiana Aguilera and Katy Perry. If you live in L.A. you can try to catch a glimpse of the Red Carpet by making your way to Universal City Walk Sunday afternoon. Make sure to watch live on MTV 9/8 C. Allieiswired will be covering the red carpet and giving you all the juicy details! When: June 6, 2010 9/8 C The A-Team starring Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, and Jessica Biel hits theaters on June 11th. Check out the premier this week in Los Angeles! When: June 3, 3010 6:00pm The sci-fi thriller, Splice, starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley has its Los Angeles premier tonight! You can catch the stars walking the Red Carpet at the infamous Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. When: June 2, 2010 6:00pm In the know about what's happening in Los Angeles? E-mail me at ashleyetorres@gmail[dot]com with press info and event information. |
Mariah Carey Pregnancy Rumors Reheat Posted: 02 Jun 2010 08:51 AM PDT She's been hoping to get pregnant for awhile now, and it looks like Mariah Carey is indeed expecting a baby!
Carey and her husband of two years, Nick Cannon, are said to be elated to finally be headed towards diaper duty together. Yes, I laughed at the thought of Mariah actually touching something that wasn’t Hello Kitty, dipped in rainbows or encrusted in diamonds.
Speculation has run a muck about her pregnancy since the couple were seen outside an Los Angeles medical clinic in May. Last week, Carey further fueled pregnancy speculation by dropping out of Tyler Perry’s new film. At the time, her rep claimed she was not doing the movie because her doctor advised her not to. I am guessing Nick will start his pilgrimage to find a unicorn to make the Sparklebeasts’ offspring happy any day now. What Others Said:
[Radar] |
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